The economic forum Wuppertal 2019 was yet another highlight.
About 60 company representatives of the German Mittelstand set time aside for another valuable economic forum in Wuppertal.
Objective was to exchange and obtain best practices for future-oriented corporate and employer branding. In panel discussions, workshops and key note speeches latest trends and research were presented and discussed.
A number of pressing mega trends like e.g. digitisation, demographic change, individualisation or sustainability continuously influence the way we collaborate. It is crucial to be among the first and fastest companies to adjust to and manage the resulting changes and consequences.
One major take away prevailed throughout the day: From a branding perspective, corporations need to focus on authentic company purpose and meaning more than ever. As research evidence confirms: meaning is the new money, motivating employees across generations and industries. Revisiting and challenging current corporate brands and promises helps to pressure test their validity and currentness. Sharpening brand core, personality or positioning enhances target oriented, effective and meaningful communication within the company and beyond. Updating corporate values, mission and vision and enriching them with an authentic purpose will ultimately provide the competitive advantage needed for talent attraction, recruitment, retention and development.